The main scope of this PSA is to provide a comparison price for the several conventional and alternative fuels under a common methodology approach. The following paragraphs analytically describe the methodology steps.
The FPC prices (€/100km) of conventional and alternative fuels are estimated by the following formula:
The first factor refers to the combined consumption tested by WLTP protocol for the best-selling vehicle per fuel type and per segment. The vehicle, ranking first in previous year sales and for each segment and fuel type, is selected.
In this scope, the following vehicle categories are considered:
- Mono fuel / fuel gas vehicle
- Pure electric vehicle (PEV)
- Fuel cell vehicle (FCV)
The second factor refers to the average prices of each fuel type in the last three months, given in euros/national currency per fuel unit. Since there are regional differences in the market specifications of fuels, it is recommended that each MS should select the reference fuels for the FPC price calculation. The selected reference fuels are shown in the related table of each MS.
Special care has been given for the calculation of the average electricity price, taking into consideration the several available charger types in MS level. In specific, each MS will select the charger types among the following options:
- Home charger
- Work charger
- Semi-public charger
- Public charger
- Fast charger
After selection of the charger types, the average price per charger type (in €/kWh) as well as the charging mix of these types for the last three months, are determined. The calculation of the average price for electricity will be estimated by summing the average price of each charger type, multiplied by the percentage of the charger mix:
In case that the aforementioned approach is not feasible, a MS as alternative solution can present two prices related to electricity, i.e. private charging average price and public charging average price.