On September 8th 2020 the final Online Workshop of the FPC4Consumers took place through an online platform. Representatives from 9 Member States presented and explained the objectives and obtained recommendations related with the common fuel price methodology for promoting the use of alternative fuels within the EU. More than 60 people from whole Europe were actively participated, indicating the wide engagement of the PSA.
In the first block, a brief presentation of the existing policy and current infrastructure of alternative fuels was given. Following, PSA objectives as well as state-of-the-art status on electric vehicles and hydrogen infrastructure in relation with the upcoming “green deals” were presented. The third block was dedicated to the achievements of the PSA. All the cooperative work was presented and the results were thoroughly analyzed and explained. Afterwards, the last block focused in the engagement and interaction of the participants. The Q&A session took place, in which the participants submitted their questions and the relevant stakeholders clarified and further explained the achievements of common fuel price methodology. Conclusively, the proposed recommendations will be used for accelerating the use of alternative fuels through further engagement of the consumers